Hier finden Sie Details zur Spam-E-Mail "FROM BRITISH HIGH COMMISSION" mit IP, Absender und Einschätzung.
Archivdatum der Spam-E-Mail "FROM BRITISH HIGH COMMISSION"
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ATTN My Dear=0A=0AGood news,The =0ABRITISH High Commission has actually ver=
ified and discovered that your =0Apayment has been unnecessarily Delayed by=
corrupt officials of the =0ACompany who are Trying to divert your fund of =
$5.750,000,00 into their =0Aprivate accounts.=0A=0ATherefore we have obtain=
ed an irrevocable =0Apayment guarantee on your Payment with UBA Bank to mak=
e your payment =0Athrough their new ATM VISA CARD system which you can use =
to withdraw =0Ayour money in any ATM MACHINE around your area.=0A=0ASo we a=
re here by=0A inviting you to our office to pick up your ATM VISA CARD but =
if you =0Acannot be able to come down here in our office in person be infor=
m that =0Ayou are going to pay for shipping fee of your ATM visa CARD , so =
if you =0Aare unable to come down here then you are required to update them=
, so =0Athat they will proceed with the necessary arrangement for the deliv=
ery =0Aof your ATM VISA CARD.=0A=0AAs of now be informed that all arrangeme=
nt=0A has been done and canceled and the ATM VISA CARD has be in your name,=
=0Abut to RE ACTIVATE the ATM Card you have to forward your current =0Ainf=
ormation as requested below to the bank for the ATM Card re =0Aactivation, =
then they will send you the ATM CARD for your immediate use.=0A=0AHere are =
the information you have to forward to the bank:=0A1. Your Full Names:.....=
...................=0A.=0A2. Postal Address:......................=0A3. Dir=
ect Cell Numbers:.........=0A4. Sex:........................=0A5.Age:......=
..................=0A6. Occupation:..............=0A7.Nationality:.........=
........=0A=0ATherefore=0A you are advised to contact UBA Bank accountant M=
anager Dr. Ebenizer =0AWilliams=A0 with below contact phone number or email=
reply. Thank you once=0A again my good friend, May God establishes you wit=
h this little =0Acompensation Jesus name Amen.=0A=0ACONTACT PERSON:Dr. Eben=
izer Williams=0AChief Executive Officer UBA Bank Plc, Benin. Republic=0A229=
63208804=0A=0A=0AGet back to me once you received the ATM VISA CARD OK.=0A=
Thanks and God bless you.=0AMr. David Christ=0A=A0FROM BRITISH HIGH COMMISS=
ified and discovered that your =0Apayment has been unnecessarily Delayed by=
corrupt officials of the =0ACompany who are Trying to divert your fund of =
$5.750,000,00 into their =0Aprivate accounts.=0A=0ATherefore we have obtain=
ed an irrevocable =0Apayment guarantee on your Payment with UBA Bank to mak=
e your payment =0Athrough their new ATM VISA CARD system which you can use =
to withdraw =0Ayour money in any ATM MACHINE around your area.=0A=0ASo we a=
re here by=0A inviting you to our office to pick up your ATM VISA CARD but =
if you =0Acannot be able to come down here in our office in person be infor=
m that =0Ayou are going to pay for shipping fee of your ATM visa CARD , so =
if you =0Aare unable to come down here then you are required to update them=
, so =0Athat they will proceed with the necessary arrangement for the deliv=
ery =0Aof your ATM VISA CARD.=0A=0AAs of now be informed that all arrangeme=
nt=0A has been done and canceled and the ATM VISA CARD has be in your name,=
=0Abut to RE ACTIVATE the ATM Card you have to forward your current =0Ainf=
ormation as requested below to the bank for the ATM Card re =0Aactivation, =
then they will send you the ATM CARD for your immediate use.=0A=0AHere are =
the information you have to forward to the bank:=0A1. Your Full Names:.....=
...................=0A.=0A2. Postal Address:......................=0A3. Dir=
ect Cell Numbers:.........=0A4. Sex:........................=0A5.Age:......=
..................=0A6. Occupation:..............=0A7.Nationality:.........=
........=0A=0ATherefore=0A you are advised to contact UBA Bank accountant M=
anager Dr. Ebenizer =0AWilliams=A0 with below contact phone number or email=
reply. Thank you once=0A again my good friend, May God establishes you wit=
h this little =0Acompensation Jesus name Amen.=0A=0ACONTACT PERSON:Dr. Eben=
izer Williams=0AChief Executive Officer UBA Bank Plc, Benin. Republic=0A229=
63208804=0A=0A=0AGet back to me once you received the ATM VISA CARD OK.=0A=
Thanks and God bless you.=0AMr. David Christ=0A=A0FROM BRITISH HIGH COMMISS=
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Die Spam-E-Mail mit dem Betreff "FROM BRITISH HIGH COMMISSION" ist eine typische Spam-E-Mail und wird von Absender "" versendet. Empfänger sollten auf keinen Fall auf diese Spam-E-Mail antworten!