Spam-E-Mail "Good Day and Happy New Year"

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Inhalt der Spam-E-Mail "Good Day and Happy New Year"

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Liu Tu-Hsueh
China Merchants Bank
London Branch 18th Floor,
20 Fenchurch Street,
London, EC3M 3BY,UK

Good Day and Happy New Year,
Liu Tu-Hsueh is my name with China Merchants Bank.
This Correspondence is unofficial and private, and it should be treated as such.
I wish to inform you that this letter is a matter of prime importance.I urge you to treat it with the seriousness it deserves.
I want you to partner with me to transfer funds into your account.
Please state your direct phone number and full names in your reply so that we can discuss on benefits and process.
I await your reply on your willingness to partner with me.
Yours Truly
Liu Tu-Hsueh

Bewertung und Einschätzung der Spam-E-Mail "Good Day and Happy New Year"

Die Spam-E-Mail mit dem Betreff "Good Day and Happy New Year" ist eine typische Spam-E-Mail und wird von Absender "" versendet. Empfänger sollten auf keinen Fall auf diese Spam-E-Mail antworten!