Spam-E-Mail " This came to our post on the 16/03/2017"

Hier finden Sie Details zur Spam-E-Mail " This came to our post on the 16/03/2017" mit IP, Absender und Einschätzung.

Absender der Spam-E-Mail " This came to our post on the 16/03/2017"


IP-Adresse der Spam-E-Mail " This came to our post on the 16/03/2017"

Archivdatum der Spam-E-Mail " This came to our post on the 16/03/2017"


Inhalt der Spam-E-Mail " This came to our post on the 16/03/2017"

Hinweis: Spam-Links wurden zur Sicherheit entfernt!

To whom it may concern.
Your parcel has arrived at the post office on 16th March, 2017. Our courier=
was unable to deliver the parcel to you due to incorrect delivery details.=
To receive your parcel, You have to call stating your LAST NAME and First =
Name for us to verify your details and also send your telephone number with=
which we can reach you in case we will need further details to confirm you=
r booking for delivery. Looking forward to a prompt response from you.
Giovana Aris.
(Special Dip. Package Forwarders)
+39 3510342428

Bewertung und Einschätzung der Spam-E-Mail " This came to our post on the 16/03/2017"

Die Spam-E-Mail mit dem Betreff " This came to our post on the 16/03/2017" ist eine typische Spam-E-Mail und wird von Absender "@" versendet. Empfänger sollten auf keinen Fall auf diese Spam-E-Mail antworten!